
Tuesday 22 January 2013

How low are you willing to go to show your 'hunny' that you really love them

My grandma usually says that dating is an avenue to commit sin. To which extent is this statement true?

Being a teenager myself, i know how it feels to be in a relationship at this age. Its fun dating, meeting that person who seems good and all, sharing those fun moments when both of you dont want to hang up after hours of talking, feeling uneasy evertime someone mentions their names, planning what to say a day before you meet and forgeting everything just at the sight of them, fantasizing about the two of you together,missing them as soon as they leave, laughing to their every joke even though the jokes aren't funny, always talking about them...... And alot moreee...

And then comes that 'eye popping', 'heart thumping', 'mind blowing' sms... " baby lets have sex."

Before texting back to partner, snap out of the spell and look at what these ex-teenagers have to say about the decision they made at that very moment..

Steven Tarimo(32) from Arusha says," i remember that moment i am actually the one who asked the question and she said NO... A week later we broke up and lost contact.. I am married now...  and my kids will soon be at the same age... Facing the same challenge... I dont want them to act as foolishly as i did."

Josephine stanslaus(22) from  UDSM shared her sad story..
"I had a really romantic boyfriend.. I really really liked the guy cause at first he was perfect... Its almost like he used to read my mind to know what i want. When the topic of sex was raised i never thought twice and i gave it all tp him. To make the long story short, we broke up after a month.. He totally changed after gaining full access to my body. He never even called as much as he used to... I never feel the same about guys again..

Its the 21st century where there are contraceptives and newly improved condoms so lets rule out the possibility of HIV/AIDS, STDs and pregnancy and explore the other consequences that people face as the aftermath of teenage sex.

-Low self esteem: we are ignoring plain facts.. Sex is wrong for teenagers.. We pretend to ignore this but deep inside the truth stands strong and i nobody feels good when they do something wrong.

-sex means commitment: lets face it... Young men hate commitment.neither do young goal-driven women. Unlike girls to which sex is an emotional process, it is more of about physical satisfaction to boys. The fact that girls try to get closer yo boys expecting much more affection and protection freaks boys out and totally ruins the intimacy. To put this in black and white: 75% of teenage couples who have had sex do not get married to eachother..

Last but not least just think of how your parents would react if they found out... They do alot for you and expect very little in return.. The best you can do for them is to keep your pants and its contents sealed.

Back to your phone now.. You were about to reply the sms remember? Your decision rests on that text you are going to send back.. Make the right choice..

                               BRIAN SIMBA

1 comment:

  1. nyc wk brian....mxt read twyc,,2 doz wo tink tc crap...#opionion#
